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Gallbladder Operation Laparoscopy

In the current time, diseases are making space and causing trouble in the body of almost every individual. Gall Bladder Surgery is quite common these days. Many of the individuals are running for safe surgery for gallbladder. The appendix removal surgery is another to know about. So, is there a safe option to have these surgeries? How these surgeries are performed? Let’s catch up with this article and get to know more about the same. Let’s continue.

What is Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy?

The term is quite difficult to read but it is the cure for your gallbladder. Yes, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the best gall bladder surgery. The removal of the gall bladder is executed in this process. The process is performed by a specialist that includes a few small incisions on the right side of the abdomen. One incision is used to insert a laparoscope. The laparoscope is a thin tube with a camera on the end that allows the surgeon to look into the gallbladder of the patient. Another small incision makes the gall bladder removed.

What Causes the Removal of Gall Bladder?

So, do you know why gall bladder surgery needs to take place? What is the main cause of the removal? It is gallstones. Gallstones are the crystals that are formed in the gallbladder that block the flow of the bile out of the gall bladder into your digestive system. This blockage causes cholecystitis hence, removal of the gallbladder is the wise option as the stones in the galls may be dangerous and can move to another part of the body as well.

Something about Appendectomy

Appendectomy, the term refers to appendix removal surgery. The surgery is performed when the appendix gets infected and the inflammation of the appendix is known as appendicitis. The appendix is present in the lower right side of the belly. It is a thin pouch that is attached to the large intestine. The removal of the appendix is quite important as delaying it sometimes causes the appendix to burst. The treatment of the appendix is performed by two types. The appendix removal surgery is executed by the specialist that heals the patient by their professional methods. Let’s have a look at the same.

  • Open Appendectomy
    This is a standard method of appendix removal surgery. In this type of surgery, the surgeon makes a cut of around two to four inches in the lower-right side of the belly and the appendix is taken out through an incision.
  • Laparoscopic Appendectomy
    In this type of surgery, there are fewer complications on the part of making long incisions. A tiny incision is made to put a long thin tube called a laparoscope. This includes a camera that helps the surgeon in making another incision for the removal of the appendix by getting a view of the inside of the abdomen.

The appendectomy is quite simple and it is necessary. In case of inflammation in the appendix at a higher level, an open appendectomy is required. While in normal cases laparoscopic appendectomy is performed.

The Conclusion

Conclusively, the gall bladder or appendicitis both can be treated with an effective surgery that is less complicated and with a low risk of infection. The surgery is quite important to avoid any future damage to the body.


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